Finally finished. Great use of a unique format, I'll probably steal it myself someday

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Only half done so far, but my first thoughts: is the "velocity probe" like a Pitot tube? Or a really fat Venturi? My immediate concern with a chimney generator (having done exactly zero research) is condensation as the working air rises, cools, and drops in pressure. Sure, mechanical moisture separators are an option, but that much headloss in a system with an already small pressure differential? I can imagine a system of condensate drains, but not one that would both be easily maintained and cost less than the ISS. I would also worry about frequency control, assuming an AC generator, but I'm sure there's an electrical engineer somewhere who's already cooked up a solution to that one.

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Velocity of the rising air would likely expunge condensate.

Chimney generators do exist, but they rely on wide-wide-wide bases that collect heat near the surface. In this application I doubt there would be the need.

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Heartbreaking. Great research on your part. Things need to change. I grew up in the Midwest. Tornado sirens were a thing. Scary to me.

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I keep hoping the right person reads it.

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