How do we "render the WEF and Blackrock useless?" Is it growing our own food, supporting our neighbors' businesses, and investing for community instead of usurious profit?

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Actually that’s a great start.

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There is no financial functionality, as blackrock or other investment management firms provide, to the WEF. I’ve spent enough time on their website to know they have fingers in everything, but if it vanished the only people who might miss them would likely be the politicians they pay off. I’m calling the entire organization parasitic.

Taking BlackRock out of the picture wouldn’t do it, it is just one of the largest most active financial forces. If faced with legal issues imposed by politicians in an effort to get its tendrils out of politics, it would snarl and say “better not.” The taking down of it would not make vanish the funds they manage. Some other firm would happly manage their assets.

What is needed, really is to disappear all corporate influences in government, through uncompromising new legislatiòn, internationally. Separate business and state the same way church and state were separated by the founding fathers, and for the same reasons.

Of course my assertions here are meaningless. I am the last person legislators listen to, and if ever the entire country clamored for such reform, they still wouldn’t listen. That’s where Article V of the Constitution comes in.

As I type there are active efforts by globalists to stop this. They are entering state legislatures, trying to change minds.


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You are loved and understood.

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All I need is the latter. 😄

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Think of it as being set up. We have to forgive each other for the purpose of healing, at some point. The WEF has been at it for 5 decades. How long should reversal of the damage take?

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I can tell you this much. I’ll not live to see it.

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If you are Christian I’ll ask you to give that some thought. I’ve just written this article and I did so because we’ve all been duped. Most people haven’t seen this and not that many will, unless it gets restacked and the notion spreads. If that doesn’t happen, if a lot of people are not saying it, most people will continue to be fooled by these people. It is really difficult to accept that you’ve been taken in, and consideration and common sense takes a lot of time.

I’m trying to say, most haven’t even realized. If they actually do, it’s gonna take time. Years.

It sure beats bloodshed, tyranny and destruction.

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I do understand everything you’re saying and I can’t disagree. In late 2019 and early 2020, if you saw through this then you are smarter than I am. Hindsight is 20-20, but for most of us, foresight isn’t anywhere near that sharp.

I never went and got a regular flu shot in my life. Basic vaccinations that everybody gets, I of course had, but I was very resistive to the idea of a covid vaccine. Then Fauci and the WHO and all of the corporate media began hooting about all of us fundamentally stupid “ant-vaxxers” killing everybody else. Made me angry like it did a whole lot of us.

But then, people my age started turning up dead. My 33-year old son struggled with leftover conditions for weeks after a confirmed covid infection. I knuckled, and got the first two shots.

Later I got it. Was over in five days. Of course a lot of us suspect the virus was unleashed to destroy the economy. But was it a scamdemic? I still don’t know. Here’s what I do know: There is a shadow government pulling strings that is always there no matter who gets elected president, no matter who makes it to Congress. Fighting off hostile takeover by the likes of the UN and globalist corporate intetests won’t solve that problem. The efforts by the Convention of States could potentially help with that issue. But first, the globalists need to be stopped.

It’s going to take a lot more of us than you and me.

And if that shadow government comes down, perhaps the American people can actually begin to self-govern as intended, and thereby defend against things such as what happened in 2019.

Hysteria over any of it isn’t going to help anyone at this point. Rational thought, just might.

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deletedAug 6, 2023Liked by Ken
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deletedAug 6, 2023Liked by Ken
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