This can’t go on.
I write fiction, and for a time, I wrote non-fiction, short little observations about the world and our place in it.
But there’s a storm brewing, and there’s never been anything like it, in the history of mankind. Can I, should I, continue to say nothing?
It is now 2024, and it’s a United States Presidential election year. Never have the divisions, political and otherwise, been so deep. To believe that it will be a free and fair election, one has to look past a hell of a lot. The rhetoric is scathing, untrue and unfair, and it is set to rise, exponentially. Anyone who is still capable of being honest with himself, knows it. There are innocent people imprisoned, right here in this country, while other guilty persons walk free. You know who you are.
At the center of the argument is the Presidential election. Elect Donald J. Trump, and the innocents will be freed. Elect Joseph Biden, and they will not. Simple. Right?
Nothing is ever that simple. I wish I could honestly say that it has been, but it hasn’t. Elections have not been free or fair for a very long time. Rhetoric has been subverted with unreasonable tactics. It really doesn’t matter what anyone says, it only matters what is true. You aren’t going to find that, broadcast from anywhere.
And that is because human perspective is flawed, very deeply so. Tell me what you think, it’s fine. The fact that you think it, however, does not make it true.
It is finally time for some major revisions to our system of government. I’ve heard people reply to me, “You don’t understand how things work in DC!” Well you know, that may be. Then again it may not. I know there are paid lobbyists and representatives of special-interest groups wining and dining legislators. I know we cannot trust our legislators to negotiate and pass legislation that doesn’t have a lot of unrelated, possibly subversive crap attached. I know that the federal government oversteps its authority with regularity. I know deal-making exists, in the passage of every single piece of legislation.
Most importantly, I know the legislation that becomes law is seldom in the actual best interests of our population. I know that while all of this goes on, there are unaddressed issues that wait for attention, specifically, funding of our national defense and replenishment, of munitions, oil reserves, and the building of ships. To name but a very few of those pressing issues.
This is the body of Congress and its “function.” This would seem to be, “the way things work” in DC.
Tell me, how could we trust this astute body of national legislators to write and to actually pass legislation that would assure a “free and fair” election in 2024? Paper ballots? Re-countable retention of ballots for a suitable period of time? A return to pre-pandemic, extremely-limited levels of mail-in ballots? An end to ballot drop boxes, ballot harvesting, proper ID presented at polling places?
It isn’t going to happen, folks.
There’s far too much furor over the makeup of just the Supreme Court. There’s far too much furor over public schools and schooling, the actual source of the pandemic, the safety of vaccinations, the next pandemic. To drill or not to drill, green this and green that. Fuck the whales, build more offshore wind farms. Fuck the automotive industry, build more electric vehicles. Never mind that they have a bigger carbon footprint, never mind that the elements for all those batteries are simply unavailable. EVs don’t pollute! Right??
Today we can’t even trust science, because it’s become politicized. We can’t trust the UN because they want to socialize the United States, make it more like the rest of the world, disarm our citizens, support WEF leadership. I’ve got some bad news for you. Donald J. Trump isn’t going to be able to undo all of that. He can’t even drain the swamp, or that would already be done. We need something more.
What, pray tell, might that be?
The leadership of our greatest single adversary, China, is a problem. We are not ready to take them on, and the question stands, should we? Well, I think not, but that’s just me. Chinese influence is real, it’s ubiquitous, its power grows by the day. Who, other than American-spawned multinational corporations, would lose if China took back Taiwan? What difference does it make if our devalued currency is no longer the international standard currency? Of what great value is American influence, worldwide? Would it be so terrible to be number two, in the world?
Well, guess what. We already are. China supplies Russia with armament and ammunition, funds Iran and North Korea, and they do it with money made from sale of goods, to who? Hasn’t that been made possible by the same Congress that won’t assure free and fair elections in our own country?
The circle of corruption is complete. We, the United States, have done this to ourselves.
At this point in time, closing the borders won’t do it. Mass deportations won’t do it. Re-funding police departments won’t do it. True, all of those things may help, but simply un-seating the current President won’t do it, either. We need to un-seat the entire Congress, gut the intelligence agencies, expel lobbyists, make “business as usual” in DC, illegal. Will it happen? I think not.
There stands ready a rather large complement of armed citizens in the United States, people who are unwilling to let this stand. Will a repeat of the 2020 election promulgate a genuine insurrection? Could such a thing actually succeed? What would our government look like in the aftermath?
I submit to you that it will. The reason you’ve not seen it already is that no one wants to go to prison, and the current administration has shown, that is exactly what will happen.
So that is the coming storm. China waits, breathless, chortling. An American Civil War! We won’t be fighting U.S. troops, you know, we’ll be battling United Nations-assembled troops called in from around the world. Fighting and devastation and death and destruction, all of it. What will emerge will be socialist, if not communist. And it’s coming.
Unless we move to expel the UN from our own country.
That, my friends, is step one.
Gonna be a wild year, no doubt!
Your analysis is on target. You are not including God in your understanding of what to expect. I believe God is with us. God provides. Praise God. Amen.
A reckoning comes. It won't look the way people expect. But when it happens it will be clear that it is from God. And nothing will ever be the same.