That’s why even if not so old, living alone would seem to justify it. I had a car turn in front of me, didn’t have a chance to touch the brakes. Cell phone was on the seat and I couldn’t reach it after impact. The button hangs around your neck.

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Oct 19, 2023
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I tend to disagree that’s what it means. I was forty when I fell from a ladder to a railroad tie and wrecked my shoulder. Twenty-two when I injured my back lifting an engine block that took four years to let me live normally. Both times I was alone. Nobody came to help.

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Important thought. I have information because we had to learn about this the hard way.

Drove on over to Walmart and bought a gps unit that hooks right up to cell service, because it was good where Dad lived. You are right in that this one would be like gps. But I returned it because the little map put the unit blocks away from its actual location. Thus if he needed help it would not locate you anyway. You must be like me, if I need Google Maps GPS I have to turn on “location” in privacy settings. Sorry but they can and do, track you anyway if they wish. There must be better units that are accurate. Google GPS can tell which part of my house I’m in. After adding a metal roof, though, now sometimes it puts me in the yard.

We opted for Bayalarm which has a wired unit inline with a telephone-a base station. This is what has kept me from getting one myself, you need a traditional wired phone line. I used voip, through my cable internet and don’t want a regular landline. Dad had one. The button communicates up to 500 feet to that base station. No GPS.

Obviously that button would not have helped me after the accident. Would have been nice after the ladder drop, though.

If I do get one there is best value in an accurate gps unit, if there is one. After all.

If someone wants you tracked, they will anyway.

The Bayalarm system worked well and saved Dads bacon twice more.

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On the topic of Life Alert sort of things, I am reminded of a story my mom told me when I was young(er).

There was an old lady just down the street that we would occasionally deliver meals to, and one day she fell. Laying on the floor with a broken hip, she took off her shoe and threw it at the phone hanging on the wall. She missed. So, realizing her mistake, she took off her other shoe, said a prayer, and threw her last hope to live. It hit the phone, which fell and let her call an ambulance.

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I hear ya.

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Oct 18, 2023Edited
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You might try writing about your experiences.

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You, my dear are nottt alone.

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