Here I will send you to a NASA website that addresses deep unknowns, such as gravitational variations on our own planet. The gravimetric measurements of Earth are simply astounding, and the answers to the questions generated will indeed be stranger than fiction. A blessed break from the turmoils of the human experience.
“This map, created using data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, reveals variations in the Earth's gravity field. Dark blue areas show areas with lower than normal gravity, such as the Indian Ocean (far right of image) and the Congo river basin in Africa. Dark red areas indicate areas with higher than normal gravity. The long red bump protruding from the lower left side of the image indicates the Andes Mountains in South America, while the red bump on the upper right side of the image indicates the Himalayan mountains in Asia. (Image prepared by The University of Texas Center for Space Research as part of a collaborative data analysis effort with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the GeoForschungsZentrum in Potsdam, Germany)”