Can’t tell you where I was, you see, for I just never knew
Somewhere in the desert, sands of brown and sky of blue
And lost was I, all day I’d been, a wanderin’ here and ‘bout
Why had I come? I wasn’t sure, nor which was the way out.
I had a car, but it had stopped, had no idea why
I’d left the road, and I suppose, I’d dared myself to die.
So now I’d really get my wish. It wasn’t really so
But till you’re really faced with death, you may not really know.
This would be okay, thought I, they’d think I just screwed up.
In fact I had. I really had, no water, food nor luck.
No matches for a fire, neither blanket, map, nor knife
Nothing that’s required, if one hopes to keep his life.
Afar out in the desert heat, I see this waverin’ line,
It’s moving, gettin’ bigger, maybe closer over time
I thought that it might be a man. But was it really there?
Well, yes it was. But look away, I didn’t really dare.
Eventually, he got to me. Seemed that man was sent,
Seemed full of ancient wisdom, and was old, and gray, and bent.
Offered me a drink of water. I accepted, gratefully
He set to work upon my car. Two hours, maybe three.
But, start it did, it ran just fine, I offered him a ride,
And out we went, followed my tracks, with my new friend beside.
A man just never knows, you see, how close to death he’s come
We reached a smallish town, with the setting of the sun.
We climbed out of my car, I placed my hand upon his shoulder.
“I owe you, man, you saved my life, I’d soon have been no older.”
He shook my hand, an iron grip, and then he shook his head.
“You’re wrong, my friend, for I was lost. - You saved mine, instead.”
Ain't that always how it goes
Beautiful poem. Thank you Ken.