The questions hammer you on the forehead and they push you to the brink, time after time. Why now? Of all times, why now?
Whatever it is, whatever happened, whoever it involved, just stop for a moment. Please.
Can you see by any stretch of your own imagination, your mind is too active, and you need to slow down?
So stop. Breathe.
Consider these realities, please, one at a time.
Mortality is far more than just a part of the human condition. It is a part of life.
Infirmity is unavoidable at some point in everyone's life. If someone close to you has been spared that then there is at least one thing positive about it. For the rest of us it is unavoidable.
Whether you believe in a divine creator or you do not, either way, free will is not ours to withhold. Period. There is no choice in the matter.
It is not possible to live life and to protect every one and every thing you ever care about. It is not possible.
If you believe that no one can possibly know how you feel, it is acknowledged here. You are correct. No one can.
Any man or woman who has lived past the age of forty can attest to the fact that they feel no different inside than they did when they were younger and more virile. It is the same throughout life. It is the best hard evidence I can offer that the spirit is immortal.
How we imagine the existence of those we have lost depends on what we can handle. For some of us can handle anything, others of us, not much at all.
It's a different thing trying to imagine it after the loss of a child, compared to an elderly person who has worked hard and led a long life. But for all of them, the struggle has passed, as surely as water flows by the boulders of time. Their lives have reached a confluence with the unfailing river of life that flows within us all. Their spirits are swept up as if autumn leaves on the evening breeze, and peace prevails. And the peace that now resides in their heart of hearts is available to those left behind, still living.
All that is left is to accept. Live.
Maybe the best advice
Breathe in. Hold it. Breathe out.