A Prayer for the Republic
This morning I exited the building at work, and beheld the orange morning sun, bursting across the cloud-mottled sky. Strange as it may seem, neither earth nor sky know anything about human issues. Both exist each day and night, completely oblivious to the various travails of mankind. Isn’t it odd, then, that every atom of matter in existence came from such a star?
Here in these United States, my country, a republic was founded, on principles intended to hold its government accountable to its people. A lofty goal, to say the least, and one that has never been realized. At what point in its existence this republic came closest to that, I am not studied enough or old enough to know, but for certain, it is not now.
Humans have an inner need that is unfulfilled in the lives of most, and it’s a spiritual need. It is a space left there by the creator, and spirituality is the only thing that can fill it. Many who read that line will stop reading at that point, and that’s their loss. It is simply, the way it is.
If one looks at the gradual demise of Christianity in this country, it is possible to draw a close parallel to the gradual rise in crime, and in graft. If one looks at the countries that are firm in their basic faith, such as are Muslim countries, one can see an expansion that is underway. That is simply because they remain firm in their faith, crazy or not; and those who are there to represent that faith to the masses, every individual of which has a space that cannot be filled by anything other than spirituality, will prevail.
Thus I can predict with some certainty that what has already occurred in Europe is on its way here, and it is not a good thing. It is hatred, and war, and feudalism; it is angry men promoting their angry faith among a vulnerable populace. We are not prepared in the least, to counter its advance.
For many years, I regarded religion as equivalent to crazy. That view had nothing to do with the existence of a divine being, but everything to do with human frailty. One does not have to look very hard to see it; today, so-called Christians wish to impose the death penalty on women who abort. What part of Christianity, exactly, did they miss? Specifically, forgiveness, and the love of God? This person is “wrong,” that person is damned, and so on and on. I’m right, and you’re going to hell. To all of you who feel this way, I say, fuck off.
Over the years of my life, I’ve come to realize that I have every reason to believe in a divine creator, and so, I do. I do not, however, follow any traditional faith. There is no one faith that covers all of the bases, so to speak, in terms of the needs of mankind. There are none that could be considered “right” while all others are flat-out “wrong.”
Not cleaving to any one faith, however, does not make me want to follow a faith that advocates killing all persons who do not follow it, or that considers it necessary to fry out the female genitalia so that women cannot experience sexual climax. Such requirements were born in antiquity and should never exist in the world of today, or for that matter, ever should have.
We would all be better off without anything at all to fill the un-fillable space.
In fact I can sit and name such a long list of grievances with traditional faith, that there could be no settlement ever, between me and those who closely follow their faiths.
The fact is, human frailty, ignored totally by the earth and the sun, is the self-same reason the republic has never actually ever become one. It is quite likely the self-same reason that it never could.
That fact, however, does NOT make me want to follow a bevy of self-satisfied, wealthy elites who believe they know what’s best for Earth, namely, themselves in despotic control over the entirety of the human race.
This is what we have with “uniparty” rule.
This is what we have under “socialism.”
This is what we achieve via digital currency, biometric federal IDs, and a system of rewards.
This is what we achieve with the UN, the WEF, the WHO.
This is what we have when domestic “lawfare” is used to manipulate elections.
This is what we have when just a few wealthy corporations control all of the major media.
Tell me, what will be the outcome of all of this??
On the one hand, I may never live to see it. On the other hand, I should not really care, but, there is always the chance that I will live to see it, which seems to call for some sort of action.
I can do nothing to correct the situation, or so it would seem, but, what if very many of us do?
My current plan, in all of its considered complexity, will be to offer a prayer for survival of the republic. Please feel free to join me. To see it survive as-is would be fairly useless, however, so lets pray for something better. In the meantime I hope we could be mindful of the coming storm, for one is indeed brewing.
Failing a firm answer to prayer, remember that the earth and the sun have no part in any of this, but will continue on for the foreseeable future, no matter what we successfully do, as humans.
"Men come and go, but Earth abides" Ecclesiastes 1:4
Part of the reason our Republic has lasted as long as it has is because it was based on the idea of human fallibility, and was designed to limit the accumulation of power into the hands of a few.
Somehow, though, that happened...hopefully the younger people will figure out how to get us back on track.
Gonna be interesting as AI gets thrown increasingly into the mix.